
China's equipment manufacturing industry win on the manufacturing precision

Nowadays, China's equipment manufacturing industry have made remarkable achievements, for example, a complete industrial system, a huge output capacity, the competitiveness of a number of areas, a certain basis for innovation and so on. These achievements are related to the large demand brought from high-strength investment in China in the past 30 years. However, it should be noted that China's large-scale investment and construction cycle has ended, and the adjustment and upgrade of equipment manufacturing industry, not only arduous, but also urgent, will also be a long process. After a period of rapid development, the Chinese equipment manufacturing industry will enter a low or even negative growth cycle.

Today,in global manufacturing ranking, China is still in the third , far behind the first United States and the second , Western Europe, Japan. Honestly speaking, "Made in China" reaching the world-class is actually "China's precision" to reach the world-class.

   The key is not "Internet +" or industrial 4.0, but achieving "win on the manufacturing precision" step by step. Innovation and development are still the key. And "innovation" should not only be a slogan in the government or enterprise. The mission of the government is nothing more than to maximize the efficiency of public resources, and To innovate or not should be judged by the market selection mechanism. In the current environment, to promote innovation and make the substantive effect of innovation will undergo a long process.

Post date :2017-06-09